
Astrophysics for People in a Hurry

I’m not sure that I love the title of the book, but at the same time – it was accurate. This book explained astrophysics from the Big Bang to quarks and atoms to Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and on through to the multiverse, in plain English (mostly). Some of it was a general overview of Science – physics and chemistry – and some of it was a look out into the cosmos through the Milky Way and beyond. It was not a hard read, but I sure thought hard about some of the topics.

Get notified when a web-site updates

I thought certainly there is someone offering a service to send you notifications when a web-site that you want to keep track of, gets an update. I was right.

A single note on a single piece of paper

One tip I picked up from David Allen that has stuck with me and I think has made some improvement on how I take notes and process them, is writing a single note on a single piece of paper.

Read More

It seems people always want to read more than they do, and I’m no exception. Usually I set a yearly goal with Goodreads which I haven’t actually hit too often. And my goal for the last several years has been 20 books, which doesn’t seem like an extraordinary amount – it seems like I number I should be able hit.

Easiest Way to Build an Online Store

Recently I was asked to help build a web-site for a family member to sell some of her artwork and other things. I was hesitant because of my past experience with e-commerce. But, I decided I would get started and work through the issues and see what roadblocks I ran into and maybe learn something in the process.

The Steal Like An Artist Trilogy

lowing Austin Kleon for a couple of years. This year I had been trying, fairly successfully, to keep an Austin Kleon style logbook. Recently, I started to really pay more attention to his work and listened to a few podcasts he was on and decided that possibly his books might be just what I was looking for.

Getting Started Making YouTube Videos

Last month I started making YouTube videos. I’ve struggled through making about 10 videos so far. Here’s a little bit of how I’m making those right now.

Get a College Education on YouTube

There is a lot to despise about how much time we spend looking at screens. And if it were all bad it would be easy for us to know what to do. Stop using it! However, it isn’t all bad – there is some good that comes from our devices, social media, etc.

I’ve been thinking a lot about how much we can learn from YouTube.

I’m not much of an artist…

I have been following Austin Kleon for a while now, but lately have been paying closer attention. I’ve also been doing some more self-reflection recently and I’m thinking that drawing might be a good way to do some of that.

I’m not much of an artist but decided to purchase a brush pen. Here were some first attempts in kind of the same style as Austin’s diary pages