February 2024

👋 Hey there

Updated: February 1, 2024

📕 Books I finished reading

🎸 Music I’ve been listening to

📃 Articles I thought were worth reading

🎧 Podcast episodes I thought were interesting

🎥 Videos I thought were worth watching

Quote I’ve been thinking about

“Nancy Clutter is always in a hurry, but she always has time. And that is the definition of a lady.”

– from In Cold Blood by Truman Capote

I’ve thought about this quote quite a bit since I read it (listened to it) in the early chapters of In Cold Blood. I’m not sure if it defines a lady or not… but I do think it’s something to strive for… always be in a hurry and have some urgency about the things you want to get done, but at the same time – always take the time when necessary, especially with people – make sure to slow down and be present during conversations.

January 2024

👋 Hey there

Updated: January 1, 2024

📕 Books I finished reading

🎸 Music I’ve been listening to

🎥 Videos I thought were worth watching

Quote I’ve been thinking about

“There is no knowledge that is not power”

– Mortal Kombat 3 (also Ralph Waldo Emerson)

December 2023

Updated: December 1, 2023

📕 Books I finished reading

🎸 Music I’ve been listening to

🎧 Podcast episode I thought was interesting

🎥 Videos I thought were worth watching

Quote I’ve been thinking about

“Be where your feet are”

– Proverbs

October 2023

👋 Hey there!

Updated: October 1, 2023

It’s been a while.  If you’re new here, hello!

I had gotten very busy with work and life, in general and it seemed like something had to give.  For me, I love the internet, but I also try to prioritize it last when compared to anything in my real life.  So writing and sending out this newsletter was something that didn’t happen for the last several months.

But now that things have cooled out again… picking back up where we left off.

📕 Books I finished reading last month

📗 Books I’m currently reading

🎸 Music I’ve been listening to

🎧 Podcast episode I thought was interesting

🎥 Videos I thought were worth watching

Quote I’ve been thinking about

“You can increase your satisfaction temporarily and inefficiently by having more, or permanently and securely by wanting less.”

– Arthur C. Brooks

March 2023

👋 Hey there!

Updated: March 1, 2023

February is a very short month, but it was jam packed with all kinds of good stuff in my world.  Especially as it relates to music – which, in my opinion, is the lifeblood of… well, life!

📕 Books I finished reading last month

📗 Books I’m currently reading

🎸 Music I’ve been listening to

🎧 Podcast episode I thought was interesting

🎥 Videos I thought were worth watching

Quote I’ve been thinking about

The problem is no longer getting people to express themselves but providing little gaps of solitude and silence in which they might eventually find something to say.

– Gilles Deleuze

February 2023

🌟A few updates since last time!

Updated: February 1, 2023

📗 Books I’m currently reading

📕 Books I finished reading last month

🎸 Music I’ve been listening to

🎧 Podcast episodes I thought were interesting

📄 Article I enjoyed reading

🎥 Videos I thought were worth watching

Quote I’ve been thinking about

You’re under no obligation to be the same person you were five minutes ago.

– Alan Watts,

January 2023

😀 Updates since last month

Updated: January 1, 2023

📗 Book I’m currently reading

📕 Books I finished reading last month

🎸 Music I’ve been listening to

🎧 Podcast episodes I thought were interesting

🎥 Videos I thought were worth watching

Quote I’ve been thinking about

Do you want to have a meaningful life? Everything you do matters.

That’s the definition of a meaningful life.

But everything you do matters! You’re going to have to carry that with you.

Or do you want to just forget about the whole meaning thing, and then you don’t have any responsibility…and you’re stuck in meaninglessness, but you don’t have any responsibility.

Which one do you want?”

– Jordan Peterson,

An alternative to the Light Phone?

The Light Phone has always appealed to me. A phone that really limits what it’s used for. The original Light Phone only had the ability to make phone calls and that was it – otherwise a dumb phone. This seems like a good idea for someone trying to use their phone less. But then you realize you can’t take a photo of something you see, you can’t text you brother, you can’t find your way if you’re lost. Our phones give us so many tools.

The Light Phone II gives some more functionality including GPS, Music, and Podcasts. After watching some video reviews, I think I’ll still stick with my Pixel for now. How would I call an Uber? How would I track how long I’ve walked? How would I play Clash of Clans?

But, I still like the minimalist aspect of it – so I set out looking for a minimalist Android launcher that might be used as an alternative to the Light Phone, still giving me the capability to do all of the things that you “need” to use your phone for. There are several minimalist launchers to try:

These all seem to have a similar home screen as the Light Phone – minimalist, text only. However, the one I liked the best and landed on was the Olauncher. It is free and has a very minimal approach – it was exactly what I was looking for.

Here is a screenshot my homescreen:

This does add a very little bit of a barrier to getting to your apps… but not really enough to where I’m not going to play Clash of Clans. It’s pretty easier to swipe up and start typing in Clash of Clans:

So, I think I’m going to stick with the launcher – but mostly because I like it aesthetically. I don’t think it’s a true alternative to the Light Phone. I don’t think it adds any true barriers to actually using your phone for all the distractions it can provide.

December 2022

😀 Updates since last month

Updated: December 1, 2022

📗 Book I’m currently reading

📕 Books I finished reading last month

🎸 Music I’ve been listening to

🎧 Podcast episodes I thought were interesting

🎥 Videos I thought were worth watching

Quote I’ve been thinking about

“You get more out of reading 1 book that’s great 5 times than out of reading 5 mediocre books.

Books that are older, in general, tend to be better because the reason the reason the person wrote it was a different intention. They wrote it because they wanted to transmit knowledge to the next generation. Whereas the people who write books are now are writing for money, writing for notoriety, or writing to sell other shit.

If I read something once, I still don’t know it yet. I will read a book 2 times, 3 times, 4 times, 5 times – until I can teach the book.

If your behavior doesn’t change as a result of reading a book then it means you’ve learned nothing which means it was a waste of time. Many people that read books are just wasting their time, because their behavior doesn’t change

– Alex Hormozi, 14 Life Lessons I Wish I Knew Earlier,

My reading plan for 2023

I’m wrapping up a strong year of reading – I’m already a couple of books past my yearly goal of 20 books, and there is still a month left in the year! I’ve also started thinking about what I want to do for reading next year.

I’ve always considered re-reading some of my favorite books – but I’m always torn because on the one hand, I think you’re wasting time re-reading something you’ve already read when there are so many other books to read – but on the other hand, I think there would be some benefit from it.

I recently watched a YouTube video by Alex Hormozi where he suggests,

“You get more out of reading 1 book that’s great 5 times than out of reading 5 mediocre books.”

I think this might be true. So that got me thinking, maybe I should just take next year and re-read the books I’ve already read once and thought were great or, at least, worth re-reading.

I didn’t take reading seriously until about 2015, which is when I started tracking my reading on Goodreads. And since then, I’ve obviously gotten better at reading and especially better at note taking and capturing ideas. I know not everybody believes note taking is beneficial when reading, but I have a hard time reading now without a pen and paper to go along with the book.

I’ve gone through my list of books I’ve read over the last 7 years and picked out the ones I either rated 5 stars or have an urge to re-read and I’ve tagged them with the year 2023 on Goodreads.

I think it will be an interesting exercise to go through. One reason it will be good is because I seem to have a short memory, and likely don’t remember most of these books. They say you only remember 10% of what you read, but for me it has to be closer to 1% – especially after a few months.

And also because “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it is not the same river and he is not the same man” (Heraclitus), it will be interesting to see how I feel about some of the books I read several years ago.