
An alternative to the Light Phone?

The Light Phone has always appealed to me. A phone that really limits what it’s used for. The original Light Phone only had the ability to make phone calls and that was it – otherwise a dumb phone. This seems like a good idea for someone trying to use their phone less. But then you realize you can’t take a photo of something you see, you can’t text you brother, you can’t find your way if you’re lost. Our phones give us so many tools.

My reading plan for 2023

I’m wrapping up a strong year of reading – I’m already a couple of books past my yearly goal of 20 books, and there is still a month left in the year! I’ve also started thinking about what I want to do for reading next year.

Using a Mac and Windows PC… at the same time?

Wouldn’t it be great if I could easily switch my bluetooth keyboard and mouse to which ever computer I’m working on? Is there a way to do this?

There is! And it works. And it works good. And it does more than I hoped for!

Attending a Jordan Peterson lecture

My wife and I recently drove down to Des Moines, Iowa to watch Jordan Peterson’s lecture. I was pretty excited for it – I’m a fan of a lot of his ideas. I think he might be the best thinker of our time.

Why do we like Steve Jobs?

People love Steve Jobs – he was a visionary. He revolutionized several industries. He invented the Macintosh which changed our entire lives. He invented iPhone which changed our entire lives. The list goes on.

But he also was not a nice person.

The fans lose

It seems Neil Young has decided to ask Spotify to make a decision between him and Joe Rogan and they chose Joe. All over Covid. As if we didn’t all hate Covid enough.

Trying out the PARA Method

The problem with productivity tools (task managers, note taking apps, etc.) is that you never seem to stop changing things. Sometimes you spend more time working on productivity than being productive. However, I’m not sure that’s such a bad thing – or maybe I’m trying to justify changing up my system… again.

Neil deGrasse Tyson’s nightmare

I already wrote some of my thoughts about Astrophysics for People in a Hurry, but there’s one thing I didn’t mention in that post that I’ve still been thinking about.

December 26 is the real holiday

I’ve decided that December 26 is the real holiday. Nothing to buy, nothing to prepare for.

Get notified when a web-site updates

I thought certainly there is someone offering a service to send you notifications when a web-site that you want to keep track of, gets an update. I was right.

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